2025 SEC Ministerium Annual Business Meeting and Continuing Education Session

The 2025 SEC Ministerium Annual Business Meeting and Continuing Education Session will take place on Thursday, May 1. This hybrid event will held in Mound Bayou, MS and online. We hope to see you there!


Ministerium Annual Business Meeting & Continuing Education

Recap Video

2023 SEC Ministerium & Spouse Retreat Recap Video


Southeast Conference Ministerial Association

In addition to supervising matters of ministerial standing, the Southeast Conference Ministerium seeks to raise the spiritual, ethical and professional standards of the association while strengthening the bonds of Christian fellowship and rendering help to members in times of physical, personal, emotional and spiritual need.

Ministerium Officers

Pastor Marc Putnam - President

Rev. Timothy Rodgers - Vice president

Rev. Jonathan Kosec - Secretary

Rev. Brad Boydston - Vice Secretary

Rev. Reynolds Chapman - Treasurer


Committee on Ministerial Standing (COMS) Members

Rev. Doug Wootten

Rev. Liz Jensen

Pastor Dave Bonselaar

Pastor Nathanael Putnam

Pastor Marc Putnam, MA President

Rev. Jonathan Kosec, MA Secretary

Dr. Catherine Gilliard, Superintendent

Good Standing

To be a member of the Southeast Conference ministerium credentialed clergy must be in good standing. To maintain good standing, a credentialed Covenant minister must do the following:

  1. Pay annual dues to the treasurer of the conference in which the minister serves. To verify your ‘good standing’ status in terms of ministerium dues clergy should contact their conference ministerium treasurer. Military Chaplains should contact the Covenant Denomination’s Ministerium Executive Committee treasurer and missionaries should contact Serve Globally administration.

    • Hardship Grace - If you need a one year waiver for your conference and national dues, please put your request in writing to our conference ministerium president, Rev. Dr. Marc Putnam and a separate written request to our national ministerium president, Rev. Harvey Drake. The waiver is for one year and you need to request it from both your conference and national presidents.

      Rev. Dr. Marc Putnam | SEC Ministerium President | marc@trinitychurchgso.org

      Rev. Harvey Drake | ECC Ministerium President |  eccministerium@gmail.com- ATTN: Dues Waiver

  2. Complete a current profile on CovConnect. The profile should be updated every 3 years in order to qualify as “current.”

  3. Complete the Vocational Growth Tool (VGT) each year. The VGT is found under the resources tab within CovConnect.

  4. Maintain regular healthy connections with ECC ministerial colleagues. This can be achieved by attending conference and denominational annual meetings, conference and denominational retreats, regular gathering with clergy colleagues in conference networks in person, via phone or Zoom conversations.

Visit the ECC’s Develop Leaders Site
For more Ministerium Resources